Creating multi-column Dropdown in ASP.NET Core

Generally, in core, to display multiple columns in the select elements, we could write our own control or use some JQuery plugins.

Here are some examples;

Clean Shave: Razor Pages for Web Forms Developers

If you’re an ASP.NET Web Forms developer and you’re unsure of how to take your skills to the future of the .NET platform (e.g., .NET Core or .NET 6), there’s hope. Although Microsoft won’t port Web Forms, you can apply your existing skillset to a similar framework, called Razor Pages. You’ll still need to think about this new platform differently, but if you take the time, I think you’ll find a similarly powerful and easy to use tool to create web applications.

Where You’re Coming From

Back in the early 2000s, I was a C++ developer and was one of these “you’ll have to take my pointers out of my cold dead hand” guys. But once I was introduced to how garbage collection worked in .NET, I was a convert. In those early days, I was writing ASP.NET (after my time writing components for ASP projects).

The reality was that I didn’t understand how the web actually worked, but I was tasked with creating websites and web apps using ASP.NET. Microsoft came to my rescue by introducing Web Forms. Nowadays, Web Forms gets quite a lot of hate from many directions about how un-web-like it was. But it helped people like me dip my toe in the web world without the fear that comes from something new. Microsoft successfully turned desktop developers into web developers. But it wasn’t without inherent risks.

Web Forms introduced drag-n-drop designing to web development. Under the covers, it was trying to hide the details of the web and feel like the server-side code was something akin to a stateful development solution. Add in ViewState and Session State, and lots of developers were able to accomplish a lot of value for their companies and employers.

But it’s now 2023. We’ve been through a world of change since those early days. For many Web Forms developers, it can be overwhelming to be asked to learn JavaScript on the client, separate concerns into Controllers and Views, and write code that is truly stateless. But that’s where we are now. There isn’t a perfect upgrade path to ASP.NET Core for Web Forms developers. But there are some ways to apply our existing knowledge without throwing out the baby with the bathwater. In comes Razor Pages.

Introducing Razor Pages

As an answer to Web Pages, Microsoft introduced ASP.NET MVC as a Model-View-Controller framework that separated (and simplified testability) views and logic. This has been the prevailing framework for many projects, although it never did replace Web Forms. After .NET Core was introduced, Razor Pages was introduced to have a model closer to a page-by-page solution instead of complete separation. Now with Blazor, another solution has been added to the quiver of tools. For this article, I’m going to focus on Razor Pages themselves as I think it’s the most straightforward migration path for Web Forms developers.

… this article is continued online. Click here to continue.

Polling vs. Long Polling vs. WebSocket vs. Server-Sent Events

There are several techniques for real-time communication between clients and servers. Each of these techniques has its own characteristics and use cases. Polling and long polling are simple to use but they aren’t as efficient as WebSocket and Server-Side Events. Here’s how these techniques compare and contrast against each other.


  • Polling involves a client sending requests to the server at regular intervals to check if there are any updates.
  • On receiving the request, the server responds with new data if one is available or an empty response if no data has been updated.
  • You can leverage simple AJAX requests and page reloads to implement polling in your applications.
  • Clients repeatedly request updates even when there are none, resulting in unnecessary network traffic and increased server load.
  • This approach is suitable for scenarios where updates are infrequent or a real-time response is not a priority.

Long Polling

  • Long polling reduces unnecessary requests to the server and enables near real-time updates compared to regular polling.
  • Servers hold requests open until an update is available rather than responding immediately to a client request.
  • The server responds when an update is available. Then, the client sends a new request to keep the connection alive.
  • When no updates are available within a particular timeframe, the server responds with an empty response. The client sends a new request and continues listening.
  • Although long polling reduces the frequency of requests and enables a real-time response, it still involves frequent connections and overhead due to request/response cycles.


  • WebSocket enables communication between servers and consumers over a single, persistent, reliable, and full-duplex connection.
  • WebSocket is ideally suited for applications requiring continuous data transfers, such as chat applications and collaboration tools.
  • Due to server-side infrastructure requirements, WebSocket isn’t supported in all legacy or restricted environments such as older browsers and certain network configurations.

Server-Sent Events

  • SSE provides a lightweight, unidirectional approach to server-client communication over HTTP.
  • Contrary to WebSockets, communication between server and client in server-sent events runs in only one direction, from server to client.
  • SSE enables real-time updates without the complexity of WebSockets.
  • SSE is well suited for scenarios where communication is unidirectional, i.e., the server needs to forward updates to clients, such as news feeds, notifications, or real-time monitoring dashboards.

Use Cases

WebSockets provide bidirectional communication between a server and a client, which makes them suitable for real-time polling apps, chat apps, etc. Server-Sent Events support a unidirectional communication between client and server. This means that the messages are transmitted in single direction only, i.e., from server to client. They are often used for push notifications, news feeds, and other similar purposes.

Read about implementing Server side events.. more here