Start Debugging vs Start Without Debugging

Start Debugging

Start Debugging (pressing F5) is the normal way of launching your application in visual studio. Debugger would be attached automatically and you can expect to see debugging messages and breakpoints in your application.

A popular misconception is that Debugger doesn’t come into play for Release build. This isn’t true. Set a breakpoint in a Release build and then press F5 to see if it stops there. Some debugging messages are not happening in Release build for example message from System.Diagnostics.Debug class.

Start without Debugging

This will start the application (pressing CTRL + F5) without the debugger attached. That’s it. If we need to attached the debugger to this process afterwards, we can select Debug->Attach to Process option.

For further info, please follow this link;

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Author: Shahzad Khan

Software developer / Architect