Treegrid Row Filter

When we apply filters in treegrid, Row property is set to true. Let’s say we have 100 records of VA and DC equally distributed 50/50. If we don’t apply any filter then Row Visible property of all records is true.

If we apply VA filter then 50 records visible property will be true and remining 50 will be false.

The twist is hidden rows. Let’s say we have 2 DC records selected. We apply VA filter then row visible property of 52 records will be selected. To get a clean picture we need to reset DC hidden rows.

For custom implementation OnAfterValueChanged Event. This is a generic event and can be used for anything (cells, rows etc).

Here is a sample code snippt;

$.each(grd.Rows, function (index, row) {
   if (row.Visible == true) {
     grd.SetValue(rw, 'Select', val, true);


nameof expression (C# reference)

nameof expression produces the name of a variable, type, or member as the string constant. A nameof expression is evaluated at compile time and has no effect at run time. When the operand is a type or a namespace, the produced name isn’t fully qualified. The following example shows the use of a nameof expression:

Console.WriteLine(nameof(System.Collections.Generic));  // output: Generic
Console.WriteLine(nameof(List<int>));  // output: List
Console.WriteLine(nameof(List<int>.Count));  // output: Count
Console.WriteLine(nameof(List<int>.Add));  // output: Add

List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3];
Console.WriteLine(nameof(numbers));  // output: numbers
Console.WriteLine(nameof(numbers.Count));  // output: Count
Console.WriteLine(nameof(numbers.Add));  // output: Add

Read more here

Default value for a boolean parameter in JavaScript function

See following example;

You could skip the ternary, and evaluate the “not not x”, e.g. !!x.

If x is undefine, !x is true, so !!x becomes false again. If x is true !x is false so !!x is true.

function logBool(x) {
    x = !!x;

var a, b = false, c = true;
logBool(a); // false
logBool(b); // false
logBool(c); // true

How Much to Spend on an SSL Certificate

To choose the best one, consider what information your visitors will share.

For example, if you manage a website that requires customers to give personal details or processes financial transactions, we recommend opting for an EV certificate that offers a higher security level. If you run a blog without a transaction page, a DV certificate ($8/year) might be enough.

For more info, read here.