How to make a bootable USB?

A common use of a bootable USB flash drive is to use it to boot into Windows. Booting from removable media such as a USB drive allows you to perform diagnostics on a computer that is having trouble booting from the hard drive. You can also use the flash drive to install Windows, instead of using the Windows installation CD.

Windows vista and Windows 7 steps are applicable to Windows 10

This guide will outline making a bootable USB flash drive with Windows XP, Vista, or 7. Before we begin, it is important to note that the computer you want to use your bootable USB drive must be able to use a USB drive as a boot device. Most computers built since Windows Vista was released are capable of booting to a USB device. Prior to the Windows Vista time frame, it’s hit or miss with motherboards.

To determine if a computer is capable of booting to a USB device, access the computer’s BIOS and check the bootable device list. If a USB device is listed, set the USB drive to be the first boot device. If you do not see a USB device in the list of bootable devices, your BIOS is not capable of booting to a USB device.

Note: You may need to have your USB flash drive plugged in when you access the BIOS).

Windows Vista and Windows 7 users
Windows XP users

Windows Vista and Windows 7 users

To make a bootable USB drive for Windows Vista or Windows 7, you need to have Windows Vista or 7 installed on your computer. It is recommended that you have a flash drive of at least 4 GB in size, to store all the necessary files.

Tip: Before you start, plug in the USB drive and backup any files you have stored on the USB drive. The drive will be formatted during this process and all files on it will be deleted.

Note: You need to have a Windows Vista or Windows 7 DVD for these instructions to be successful.

1. Open an elevated Windows command line window by clicking Start, typing in cmd in the search text field, then pressing CTRL + Shift + Enter on your keyboard (at the same time). You can also access this by navigating to Start, All Programs, Accessories, right-click with your mouse on the Command Prompt menu item and select Run as Administrator.

2. At the command prompt, type cd c:\windows\system32 to change the directory to the Windows system32 directory. Ensure your USB drive is plugged in, type DISKPART, then press Enter. Type LIST DISK and press Enter.

3. You will see a listing of the disk drives connected to your computer. Find the disk number of your USB drive and type SELECT DISK [USB disk #], where “[USB disk #]” is the disk # for your USB drive. It should now state that your USB drive is the selected disk. If you’re not sure what disk is the USB disk, eject the USB drive, perform step number 2 again, connect the USB drive again, and compare the results. Usually the USB drive will be the last drive.

4. Type in the following commands, one by one, pressing Enter after each command.





(may take a couple minutes, depending on the USB drive size)



Keep the command prompt window open, but you can minimize it for a little bit.

5. You will now need your Windows Vista or 7 Installation DVD. Put the DVD in your computer’s DVD drive. Open up My Computer and note which drive letter is assigned to your DVD Drive and your USB flash drive.

6. Go back to the command prompt window and type in D: CD BOOT (substitute your DVD drive letter for “D:”, if necessary) and press Enter. Type CD BOOT again and press Enter. Lastly, type BOOTSECT.EXE /NT60 H: (substitute your USB flash drive letter for “H:”, if necessary) and press Enter.

7. The last step is to copy the entire contents of the Windows DVD to your USB flash drive. To do this, in the My Computer window (opened in step 5 above), right-click on the DVD drive and select Open to view the contents of the DVD. Copy all the files and folders on the DVD to the USB flash drive.

Your USB flash drive is now set up to be a bootable USB drive for Windows Vista or 7.

Windows XP users

To make the bootable USB drive for Windows XP, it is recommended that you have a flash drive of at least 4 GB in size, to store all the necessary files. You also need to download Windows Server 2003 SP1 and a program called PE Builder (also known as Bart PE).

Tip: Before you start, plug in the USB drive and backup any files you have stored on the USB drive. The drive will be formatted during this process and all files on it will be deleted.

Note: You need to have a Windows XP Professional CD for these instructions to be successful. Windows XP Home Edition does not work.

1. Install PE Builder on your computer. For the sake of ease, install the program to a C:\PEBuilder folder. After you’ve installed PE Builder, create a folder titled SRSP1 in the PEBuilder folder.

2. Now you need to extract two files from Windows Server 2003 SP1. The file name is quite long, so it is recommended that you rename the file to something shorter, like WS-SP1.exe. Open a command prompt (Start > Run, type cmd and press Enter) and use the cd command to change to the folder where you downloaded the Windows Server 2003 SP1 file to (i.e. cd c:\downloads to change to the c:\downloads folder). Then, type WS-SP1.exe -x to extract the files. A window should open asking where to extract the files. You can enter the same folder where the file was downloaded.

3. A new folder titled i386 will be created by the extraction process. Type cd i386 to change to that folder. You now need to copy the setupldr.bin file to the SRSP1 folder you created in the PE Builder folder. Type copy setupldr.bin c:\PEBuilder\SRSP1 to copy the file.

4. You also need to expand the ramdisk.sys file to the SRSP1 folder.
Type expand -r ramdisk.sy_ c:\PEBuilder\SRSP1

5. Open My Computer and navigate to the c:\PEBuilder\SRSP1 folder and verify the two files are there.

6. Next, you need to create a compressed version of Windows XP using PE Builder. Make sure the Windows XP Professional CD is in your computer’s CD drive, then launch the PE Builder program. In the Source field, type in the drive letter assigned to your CD Drive (you can check in My Computer if you are not sure) (e.g. “d:“). In the Output field, type BartPE. Make sure the None option is selected in the Media output section. Then click the Build button.

A progress report shows the progress of the bootable image build. When the build process is complete, click the Close button.

7. Now, you can create the bootable USB flash drive. Open a command prompt again and type cd c:\PEBuilder to change to the PEBuilder folder. Make sure your USB drive is plugged in to your computer and type pe2usb -f e: (change “e:” to the drive letter assigned to your USB flash drive, if necessary) to create the bootable drive. When prompted to begin the process, type YES. When the process is complete, press any key to exit the program.

Your USB flash drive is now set up to be a bootable USB drive for Windows XP using the Bart PE interface.


Azure DevOps free tier max out, buying license for additional user

Azure Free tier is limited to 5 users. If you have connected Azure DevOps to Microsoft Azure then buying is really simple. To buy additional license, follow this;

Click on Organization Settings -> Billing

You would see your Azure subscription ID in Billing page;

As of this writing additional user will cost your $6/month.

How can I stop paying for users who aren’t actively using Azure DevOps?

If you have inactive users, stop paying for them by removing them or assigning them a free Stakeholder access level. Sort by Last Access to find users who haven’t accessed the organization recently. Find out how recently they got added by exporting the list of users and checking the Date Created column.

Last access

How do I see only my Azure DevOps charges?

Follow these steps to see only your charges for Azure DevOps.

  1. In the Azure portal, select Subscriptions > Cost analysis.
  2. Filter on Service name = Azure DevOps.Filter by service name

How much am I currently spending on Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps charges daily, so the best way to see what you’re currently paying for Azure DevOps is to view by daily costs.

  1. In the Azure portal, select Subscriptions > Cost analysis.
  2. View by Daily costs.View by Daily costs


Configure Azure DevOps for SSIS Projects

Install SSIS DevOps Tool in Azure DevOps organization.

Click on “Browse marketplace” and Search for “SSIS DevOps Tools”. Here is the link.

If you want to install extensions using CLI, here is the link;

Select “SSIS DevOps Tool”;

Click Install and you are done.

Install a second extension “Azure DevOps Open in Excel”. This helps to view work items in Excel and VS.

Go back to your Azure DevOps organization. The installed extensions are here;

Follow this article to create SSIS DevOps pipeline.

Azure SQL Database (PaaS) Backup/Restore

This is tricky. Azure PaaS (Platform as Service) SQL Database has master database only. If programmer is taking any advantage of MSDB databases or synonymous, it will not work there directly.

Use Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database

The simple method to restore to Azure SQL Database is;

This will create a new database on Azure SQL Server. You can rename it to your actual database.

Migrate to Azure SQL by restoring from Database

This method requires Azure storage account.

Create a blob storage. Upload database backup. From SQL Management Studio, right-click to [YourLOCALDatabase] and open Tasks>Export Data-tier Application. You can export your database to Azure Blob Storage on this wizard. After backup, connect your Azure SQL Server from SQL Management Studio. Go to your [YourREMOTEDatabase], right-click Databases folder from treeview and go to Import Data-tier Application. Choose your backup file from Blob Storage and enjoy!

This will create a new database on Azure SQL Server. You can rename it to your actual database.

Use Azure Data Migration Assistant Tool

This is unlike other methods mentioned above. This is the most efficient tool for migration databases to Azure SQL. This gives you a chance to select individual objects (tables, stored procedures, views, functions etc). Here is the link;

This does not create a new database but copy schema and data to existing database.

Use 3dr party tool

3rd party tools can be used to backup/restore Azure SQL database. Here is the list;

The tool allows us to create azure backup on local/remote. We can restore those backups on local/remote machine. I have a schedule job on my local that run everyday 10:00AM to create full backup in Azure blob container “myContainer”.

This tool also allows you to backup on your local computer.

Other methods that can be used with Azure SQL Database;

  • SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
    • Simple process
    • Works even with old SQL Server / SSMS
    • Can export data into different file formats
    • Only data is imported, all other objects will be lost
    • Requires SQL Server Management Studio
    • Manual procedure

Use if you need to move data from Azure to a specific destination (e.g. your old SQL Server) or in a particular format (e.g. flat file) with SQL Server Management Studio tools

  • SSIS Tools
    • Can export data into different file formats
    • Can be run unattended/automatically
    • Only data is imported, all other objects will be lost

Similar to SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, but enables automatic process

Use when you need to create BACPAC file with SQL Server Management Studio tools

  • SqlPackage utility
    • Creates the most exact copy of the database
    • Can be run unattended/automatically
    • Requires the latest DAC library installed
    • Creates a specific BACPAC file

Use if you need to create BACPAC file from a command line

  • BCP utility
    • Can export data into different file formats
    • Can be run unattended/automatically
    • Only data is imported, all other objects will be lost
    • Imports only one table at a time

Use if you need to save data from one or several tables in a readable format

  • SqlBackupAndFtp
    • Simple UI
    • Can create scheduled backups
    • Doesn’t require DAC library installed
    • Creates a specific BACPAC file

Use when you need to perform automatic backups into BACPAC file regularly

  • From Azure Portal
    • Everything online, no software installation required
    • Creates a specific BACPAC file
    • Azure storage account is required

Suitable if you only have a browser

Use AzCopy

This tool can be used to transfer data between storage accounts. Here is the link;

Azure Storage Explorer

This is a GUI that can be used to move files between storage accounts and premises. Here is the link;