Angular Story – GetAngular

The story of AngularJS started in 2009 when Miško Hevery (now senior computer scientist and Agile coach at Google) and Adam Abrons (now director of engineering at Grand Rounds) were working on their side project, an end-to-end (E2E) web development tool that would have offered an online JSON storage service and also a client-side library to build web applications depending on it. To publish their project, they took the hostname.

During that time, Hevery, who was already working at Google, was assigned to the Google Feedback project with two other developers. Together, they wrote more than 17,000 lines of code in 6 months, slowly sinking into a frustrating scenario of code bloat and testing issues. Given the situation, Hevery asked his manager to rewrite the application using GetAngular (the side project mentioned previously), betting that he could do that alone within 2 weeks. His manager accepted and Hevery lost the bet shortly thereafter, as the whole thing took him 3 weeks instead of two; however, the new application had only 1,500 lines of code instead of 17,000. This was more than enough to get Google’s interest for the new framework, which was given the name of AngularJS shortly thereafter.

To listen to the full story, take a look at the following Miško Hevery keynote speech at ng-conf 2014:

Interested in building a test application, follow this step-by-step guide;

1) Angular Development – Getting Started

2) Angular Development – Break and Fix

3) Angular Development – Sample Server Side

4) Angular Development – Sample Angular Side

5) JSON conventions and defaults

6) Serving data with Angular Material

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Author: Shahzad Khan

Software developer / Architect