Move Pi-Hole databases and list to different location

Create a new folder in new location, for example pihole-db.

mkdir pihole-db
# make sure folder has this permission
chmod 775 pihole-db
# change user/group to pihole on this folder
chown pihole:pihole pihole-db

We will be creating symlink (symbolic link) by copying database to pihole-db.

# Pihole-FTL.db
# stop Pihole service
sudo service pihole-FTL stop
cp /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db /srv/pihole-data
chown pihole:pihole pihole-FTL.db
# rm /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db
# create link in /etc/pihole
ln -s /srv/pihole-db/pihole-FTL.db pihole-FTL.db
# change owner/group of symlinks
sudo chown -h pihole:pihole pihole-FTL.db

# start the service
sudo service pihole-FTL start
# check service status
# systemctl status pihole-FTL

Open browser, navigate to a site and see if pihole-FTL works.

Pihole-FTL started working. Let’s move others;

# gravity.db
sudo service pihole-FTL stop
cp /etc/pihole/gravity.db /srv/pihole-db
ls -l /srv/pihole-db
chown pihole:pihole /srv/pihole-db/gravity.db
rm /etc/pihole/gravity.db
# create symlink in /etc/pihole
ln -s /srv/pihole-db/gravity.db gravity.db
# change owner/group of symlinks
sudo chown -h pihole:pihole gravity.db

# verify
sudo service pihole-FTL start

# macvendor.db
sudo service pihole-FTL stop
cp /etc/pihole/macvendor.db /srv/pihole-db
ls -l /srv/pihole-db

chown pihole:pihole /srv/pihole-db/macvendor.db
rm /etc/pihole/macvendor.db
# create symlink in /etc/pihole
ln -s /srv/pihole-db/macvendor.db macvendor.db
sudo chown -h pihole:pihole macvendor.db
# verify
sudo service pihole-FTL start

sudo service pihole-FTL stop
cp /etc/pihole/ /srv/pihole-db
ls -l /srv/pihole-db

rm /etc/pihole/
# create symlink in /etc/pihole
ln -s /srv/pihole-db/
# verify
sudo service pihole-FTL start

Make sure you have changed owner and group of sym(Symbolic) links of these databases.

sudo chown -h pihole:pihole pihole-FTL.db
sudo chown -h pihole:pihole macvendor.db
sudo chown -h pihole:pihole gravity.db

Make sure you can see these permissions;

To reset, run this command;

chmod 664 gravity.db

Here is your modified file system;

To rebuild gravity database, run this and see the time stamp;

pihole -g

For macvendor database refer to this;


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Author: Shahzad Khan

Software developer / Architect